Drones for first responders

By reducing or eliminating human intervention in mission critical scenarios, our DROPS system ensures faster, safer, and more reliable support for emergency services, potentially saving lives and protecting communities.
DROPS provides a versatile and autonomous solution to enable rapid response in situations where every second counts.
Situational Awareness and Needs Assessment
DROPS enables UAVs to be permanently docked and charged on structures such as cell phones towers, ready to autonomously deploy to enhance security and situational awareness for Dispatch and First Responders.
Its functionality can be tailored to meet the requirements of the operation, offering live surveillance, targeted monitoring, or reconnaissance prior to manned entry.
FirstNet communications network
We are working closely with AT&T on the FirstNet communications network, designed specifically for first responders. By equipping cell towers with UAS docking stations, the DROPS capture and release mechanism allows UAS to be deployed autonomously providing real-time situational awareness during emergencies, reaching critical locations before first responders can safely arrive.

Firefighters support
DROPS can facilitate a swarming capability for the co-ordinated and more effective release of water over small wildland fires, improving firefighting efficiency particularly in remote areas, whilst keeping the firefighters and community out of harms-way.
Our Group 3.5 Pod is designed to attack small fires and spot-fires ahead of a fast moving Wildland Fire. This DROPS enabled Pod can carry up to 50 gallons of water or retardant for aerial attack of fires.
Medical assistance
In the medical field, DROPS can be deployed to aid the critical delivery of life-saving cold chain items, such as blood products and human organs.
Secure Events
DROPS can further enhance security operations by autonomously deploying and recovering, for example, the Ghost Robotics Vision robot dogs for specialized missions, such as CBRN detection and counter-UAS activities at major events.